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Unlimited Membership

Our unlimited adult membership is perfect for those looking for full access.

Why choose our Unlimited Membership

Why choose our Unlimited Membership

We offer you far more than a budget gym, with our memberships providing you with a wealth of different available facilities and activities.

Yr hyn sydd wedi’i gynnwys yn yr Unlimited Membership?

Membership journey induction package

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Full access to our fully equipped gym

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum vestibulum ipsum, ut pretium. Arcu mauris aliquet quisque dictum quis.



Dechrau gyda ni heddiw

Mae aelodau ardderchog ein tîm yn barod i’ch helpu i ddechrau gyda’ch aelodaeth. Dechreuwch ar eich llwybr iechyd gyda ni heddiw.

Mae’r canlynol hefyd yn rhan o’n haelodaeth

Our team are excited to welcome you

Our team are excited to welcome you

Our lovely staff members, like Christine and Kit (pictured right) are very excited to give you a warm welcome and give you a tour of all our amazing facilities.

Manylion Aelodaeth

Monthly or Annual Payments

Choose between monthly or annual billing. Annual memberships qualify for our 12 months for the price of 9 promotion!

Barod i ymuno?

Barod i ymuno?

Mae aelodau ardderchog ein tîm yn barod i’ch helpu i ddechrau gyda’r aelodaeth, er mwyn i chi allu dod yn aelod o gymuned Freedom Leisure heddiw.!