Family Floats

Family Floats

Monday 10:00-10:45.

Giant pool floats for some family fun, normal admission policy and price apply.



See pool timetable for sessions.

Booking is advisable on all Flume sessions during the school holidays.

Bouncy Castle

Bouncy Castle

Must be under 8 and parents must stay in the area and supervise at all times. £3.

Hourly sessions. Every Monday 11:00-13:00 except 31.8.23.

Football Skills Sessions

Football Skills Sessions

Football Skills-Join us for an hour of ball games and skills development, all abilities welcome.  Please bring a drink and wear suitable footwear.  Tuesday 14:00-15:00, £6.

Rookie Lifeguard

Rookie Lifeguard

Learn to be a future lifeguard on the Rookie Lifeguard Scheme with skills such as lifesaving and basic first aid.  Wednesday 10:00-10:45 £6.60.

Step Junior Dance

Step Junior Dance

Come along and feel the rhythm of the music with Lisa in our new dance class.  Age 7+.  Tuesday 16:00-16:45, £6.

Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons

Book your Half Term booster swimming sessions NOW by calling us on 01654 703300, send us a message or pop into reception. £30 for a 4 day course.

Monday-Thursday, 31 July-3 August

Monday-Thursday, 7 August-10 August



Monday 14:00-15:00.

Age 7+, £6.  Remember to bring a drink!



Friday 10:00-10:45.

Age 7+, £6.60.  Must be able to swim 20 metres confidently.